Lincoln Learning Solutions: An Open Collaboration

Video Transcript
Hello. My name is doctor Rachel Book. I'm the chief business development officer at Lincoln Learning Solutions. We are based out of Western Pennsylvania in the Pittsburgh area. At Lincoln Learning Solutions, we offer products and services servicing mainly the early kindergarten through grade twelve market. We have courses, a LinkedIn content bank, a hundred and ten thousand plus learning objects to help with supplemental learning.

We also have certified teachers to help with your staffing needs. Lincoln Learning Solutions has been partnered with, Instructure for a little over two years. We have, a great partnership where we utilize several of the services and, companies that come through Instructure, and it has really boosted our ability to connect with a number of k twelve and higher ed, educational institutions. If I were to give advice to other ed tech companies that are working with Instructure as a partner, I would let them know that it's really easy to collaborate. As long as you're open with your thoughts and suggestions, Instructure's always been very open to help us, move forward in the direction we're looking to go.